Description of the video
- 00:05 – 00:15 The user selects the Pilot city, Peril and Scenario wants to examine.
- 00:20 – 01:15 The user explores the HARMONIA geospatial layers provided by IRAP, visualise them on the map and exports them for further use.
- 01:16 – 01:25 The user selects the Resilience Measures that HARMONIA provides and displays their ID card to be informed about them.
- 01:25 – 01:35 The user parameterizes the Baseline scenario by stating the existing experience and the resilience measures of the city and adjusting the physical and social dimensions of Susceptibility and Exposure.
- 01:35 – 02:00 The user executes the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Measures (MHMM) DSS for the Baseline Scenario to assess the current Flash Flooding Risk of the Seveso River area, calculating the hazard, exposure, susceptibility, vulnerability and finally the risk score.
- 02:00 – 02:02 The urban planning (UP) DSS runs automatically after the execution of the MHMM DSS to find the urban planning recommendations/interventions that befit the criteria for each building block, based on its special characteristics.
- 02:02 – 02:38 The Risk Scores are displayed on the map at the building block level. Higher and darker extruded building blocks correspond to higher risk score levels. The user interacts with the UP parametrization tab to adjust the biases of the DSS based on its needs, the Risk score of the building block, the cost and the category of the recommendations. Each adjustment invokes again the UP DSS.
- 02:38 – 04:10 The user proceeds with the mitigation scenario-building option. By clicking each building block the risk score and the befitted UP recommendations are displayed along with their performance weights. The user is able to display the ID card of each UP intervention, informed about its weight, cost, area of application and category, as well as add it to the list of the selected mitigation measures. The adjustment of the performance weight is enabled for incorporating the “expert judgment” of the user.
- 04:10 – 05:05 The user parameterises the Urban Health & Well-being DSS by selecting the future date and the spatial distribution matrix of the prediction. By clicking the “Run” button the DSS runs and the predicted weekly emergency unit admissions results are displayed on the tab. The user can select which DSS-provided property (e.g., health hazard) wants to visualize on the map.
- 05:05 – 05:30 The user activates the Citizens As Observatory (CAO) feature. The corresponding tab is displayed listing the Questions related to the flash flood peril and addressed to the citizens of Milan. By selecting them and clicking the “Chart” button the statistics of the questionnaires are displayed through interactive and dynamic charts.
- 05:35 – 06:50 The user activates the “Urban Statistics” tool. By selecting an urban context data category and zooming in on a smaller area of Milan, the chart of the category’s variables is displayed. The user visualizes them on the map by selecting the preferred variable via the dropdown menu. When the map frame changes the chart is updated dynamically to provide the statistics of the new map frame. If the user selects the “Lock Map” option, it can interact with the map without updating the tool.
- 06:50 – 07:30 The user can name the scenario, select city mitigation measures and execute the MHMM DSS for the developed mitigation scenario, vulnerability and risk assessment. The execution of MHMM follows the UP DSS and finally the visualization of the new risk scores derived from the new mitigation scenario.
- 07:30 – 08:10 The user activated the “Scenario Comparison Map” tool to compare the two different scenarios, the Baseline and the Mitigation one. By selecting the map on which each scenario will be visualized, the user can interact with the dynamic vertical bar to adjust the width of each map and easily compare the cartographic representation of each scenario’s risk scores, before and after the incorporation of the user-selected UP recommendations and resilience measure